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UTHSC Houston Periodontics Open House


University of Texas Periodontics

Graduate Program Open House

Alumni Association

Dear Esteemed Alumnus:

It is with great pleasure that I inform you of our open house event on June 4th. The purpose of this event is to commence a new era of our periodontics alumni association: Periodontics Alumni Association of the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (PAAUTH), your association.

I am looking forward to presenting the goals of the Alumni Association that we have planned for this year. In addition, we will have a 45 minute lecture on guided surgery presented by myself; and for those who have not seen our new dental clinics, you will have the opportunity to tour them during the open house to see where the students work and receive their instruction.

One of the major goals of the association is to bolster alumni support for the post graduate students of the program. Thus, nourishing their growth and enhancing the reputation of the periodontic department.

Together with Dr. Nikola Angelov and Dr. Ali Sajadi, we encourage you to participate in this rewarding endeavor. Your participation is fundamental for the success of the association. I can assure you that your support will be greatly appreciated and utilized for the improvement of our remarkable program.

Please consider the privileges and benefits of being a graduate periodontist from our program. I hope that, like me, it will be easy for you to decide to support the association. Please find the enclosed membership form.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me at 713-785-4867. Again, it is a pleasure and honor serving our Alumni Association.


Pedro M. Trejo DDS, MS

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