Alumni Publications
Articles by Periodontics Alumni
Dr. Magi Ann Crofcheck (1989), Houston, TX
Heaton BW. Crofcheck M. Periodontal regeneration. Journal of the Greater Houston Dental Society May 1990, 61(10):11-13.
Dr. Bret Dyer (1991), Sugarland, TX
Dyer BL, Caffesse RG, Nasjleti CE, Morrison EC. Guided tissue regeneration with dentin biomodification. Journal of Periodontology November 1993; 64(11):1052-1060.
Vallone D, Dyer B, Caffesse PG. Guided tissue regeneration in the treatment of human periodontal disease. Journal of the Greater Houston Dental Society May 1990; 61(10):6-10.
Dr. Dominic Vallone (1991), Laredo, TX
Dennison DK, Vallone DR, Pinero GJ, Rittman B, Caffesse RG. Differential effect of TGF-beta 1 and PDGF on proliferation of periodontal ligament cells and gingival fibroblasts. Journal of Periodontology July 1994; 65(7):641-648.
Vallone DR. The periodontal pocket--what does it mean?. Journal of the Greater Houston Dental Society November 1992; 64(4):8-11.
Vallone D, Dyer B, Caffesse PG. Guided tissue regeneration in the treatment of human periodontal disease. Journal of the Greater Houston Dental Society May 1990; 61(10):6-10.
Dr. David Dennison (1992), Houston, TX
Dennison DK, Sandgren J, Clancy J. The level of Fc receptor lymphocytes in primary and secondary skin allograft recipients. Transplantation 1977; 23:479-484.
Dennison DK, Wood GW, Clancy J. Quantitative alterations in populations of surface receptor bearing mononuclear cells within rat skin graft recipients. Transplantation 1979; 27:298-303.
Dennison DK, Clancy J. 3H-5-Uridine incorporation by small lymphocytes from transplantation tolerant and tolerance reversed rats. J Immunol 1979; 122:1376-1382.
Truitt GW, Dennison DK, Rich RR, Rich SS. Interaction between T cells and non-T cells in suppression in cytotoxic lymphocyte responses. 1979; J Immunol 123:745-750.
Clancy J, Thomas JH, Pierce GE, Dennison DK, Barth RF. Neutrophilic blasts associated with human renal allograft rejection. Transpl Proc 1979; 11:418-422.
Dennison DK, Rich SS, Rich RR. Cellular and antigenic requirements for production of mixed leukocyte reaction suppressor factor. J Immunol 1981; 127:2176-2182.
Allis CD, Dennison DK. Identification and purification of young macronuclear anlagen from conjugating cells of tetrahymena thermophila. Dev Biol 1982; 93:519-533.
Richie ER, Bass R, Meistrich ML, Dennison DK. Distribution of T lymphocyte subsets in human colostrums. J Immunol 1982; 129:1116-1119.
Howell AL, Dennison DK, Chan JYH, Allison JP, Richie ER. Individual AKR lymphomas differ in their expression of T-cell antigens and terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase. Disease Markers 1983; 1:3.
Karol RA, Eng J, Cooper JB, Dennison DK, Sawyer MK, Lawerence EC, Marcus DM, Shearer WT. Imbalances in subsets of T lymphocytes in an inbred pedigree with ommen’s syndrome. Clin Immunol Immunopath 1983; 27:412-427.
Karol RA, Eng J, Dennison DK, Faris E, Marcus DM. Hereditary abnormalities of the OKT4 human lymphocyte epitope in two families. J Clin Immunol 1984; 4:71-74.
Allen JK, Dennison DK, Schultz KS, Morissett JD. Direct observation of fluorescent probes in phosphatydyl choline/cholesterol vesicles using flow microfluorometry. Anal Biochem 1984; 140:409-416.
Smith BW, Dennison DK, Newland JR. Acquired immune deficiency syndrome: implications for the practicing dentist. J Texas Dental Soc 1984; 101:6-9.
McCormack SA, Bearden D, Dennison DK, Egan T, Misra L, Hazelwood CF. Methodological aspects of analyzing human breast cancel cell lines by NMR spectroscopy. Physiol Chem and Physics and Med NMR 1985; 16:359.
Loar LD, Dennison DK, Sell S. Production and Characterization of Monoclonal antibodies to rabbit lymphocyte subpopulations. I. Tissue immunofluorescence and flow cytometric analysis. J Immunol 1986; 137:2784-2790.
Smith BW, Dennison DK, Newland JR. Acquired immune deficiency syndrome: implications for the practicing dentist. Virginia Dental Journal 1986; 63:38-42.
Siedel CL, White V, Hachouy C, Amann J, Dennison DK, Schildmeyer LA, Vu B, Allen JC, Navarro L, Eskin S. Effect of seed dentistry and time in culture on vascular smooth muscle cell proteins. Am J Physiol (Cell Physiol) 1988; 254:C235-C242.
Ashkenazi M, Dennison DK. A new method for isolation of salivary neutrophils and termination of their functional activity. J Dent Res 1989; 68:1256-1261.
Allen JC, Navran SS, Seidel CL, Dennison DK, Amann JM, Jemelka SK. Intracellular Na + regulation of Na + pump sites in cultured vascular smooth muscle cells. Am J Physiol (Cell Physiol) 1989; 256:C786-C792.
Seidel CL, Wallace CL, Dennison DK, Allen JC. Vascular myosin expression during cytokinesis, attachment, and hypertrophy. Am J Physiol (Cell Physiol) 1989; 256(25):C793-C798.
Via DP, Pons L, Dennison DK, Fanslow AE, Bernini F. Introduction of acetyl-LDL receptor activity of phorbol ester in human monocyte cell line THP-1. Journal of Lipid Research 1989; 30(10):1515-1524.
Seidel CL, Allen JC, Wallace CL, Jemelka SK, Navran SS, Dennison DK. Relationship between cell Na, Na-pump number, myosin expression and proliferation in cultured canine vascular smooth muscle cells. In:Molecular Biology of the Cardiovascular System-UCLA Symposium on Molecular and Cellular Biology, New Series, Vol. 132, Eds. Roberts R, Sambrook J, New York, Alan R, Liss Publishers, pages 269-276.
Ashkenazi M, White RR, Dennison DK. Neutrophil modulation by Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans I. Chemotaxis, surface receptor expression and F-actin poplymerization. J Perio Res 1992; 27:264-273.
Ashkenazi M, White RR, Dennison DK. Neutrophil modulation by Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans II. Phagocytosis and development of respiratory burst. J Perio Res 1992; 27:457-465.
Feltes TF, Seidel CL, Dennison DK, Amick S, Allen JC. Relationship between functional Na+ pumps and mitogenesis in cultured coronary artery smooth muscle cells. The American Physiological Society (Cell Physiol) 1993; 264(33):C169-C178.
Dennison DK, Vallone D, Pinero G, Rittman B, Caffesse RG. Differential effect on TGF-B1 and PDGF on proliferation of periodontal ligament cells and gingival fibroblasts. J Periodontol 1994; 65:641-648.
Johnson CD, Matt MK, Dennison D, Brown RS, Koh S. Preventing factitious gingival injury in an autistic patient. Journal of the American Dental Association February 1996; 127(2):244-247.
Dennison D. Thermal regulation of patients during the perioperative period. AORN Journal 61(5):827-8, 831-2, 1995 May.
Dennison DK, Van Dyke TE. The acute inflammatory response and the role of phagocytic cells in periodontal health and disease. Periodontology 2000 June 1997; 14:54-78.
Dennison DK. Components of a randomized clinical trial. Journal of Periodontal Research July 1997; 32(5):430-438.
Dennison DK. Heart attacks, strokes, diabetes and periodontal diseases: the relationship between periodontal health and systemic diseases. Journal of the Greater Houston Dental Society March 1998; 69(8):22-23.
Dennison DK. The pathogenesis of periodontal diseases: new paradigms provide the link to systemic diseases. Journal of the Greater Houston Dental Society August 1998; 70(1):16-17.
Roeder LB, Dennison DK. Diabetes and periodontal disease. Journal of the Greater Houston Dental Society September 1998; 70(2):13-15.
Dennison DK. Cardiovascular disease and periodontal disease. Journal of the Greater Houston Dental Society October 1998; 70(3):12-17.
Zachariasen RD, Dennison DK. Periodontal disease and preterm low birth weight deliveries. Journal of the Greater Houston Dental Society November 1998; 70(4):16-19.
Dennison DK. Treatment of periodontal diseases: what treatment works, and what's new. Journal of the Greater Houston Dental Society January 1999; 70(6):14-16.
Kohal RJ, Lutter G, Dennison DK. Marginal periodontitis and cardiovascular diseases. Schweizer Monatsschrift fur Zahnmedizin 2001; 111(4):445-454.
Zeeman GG, Veth EO, Dennison DK. Focus on primary care: periodontal diseaseimplications for women's health. Obstetrical & Gynecological Survey January 2001; 56(1):43-49.
Dr. Pedro Trejo (1992), Houston, TX
Regeneration of degree ii furcation defects with a 4% doxycycline hyclate bioabsorbable barrier. Lyons LC, Weltman RL, Moretti AJ, . . 2008 Jan;79(1):72-9. doi: 10.1902/jop.2008.070161.
Effect of mechanical and antiseptic therapy on peri-implant mucositis: an experimental study in monkeys. Trejo PM, Bonaventura G, Weng D, Caffesse RG, Bragger U, Lang NP. Clin Oral Implants Res. 2006 Jun;17(3):294-304.
Treatment of intrabony defects with bovine-derived xenograft alone and in combination with platelet-rich plasma: a randomized clinical trial. Hanna R, Trejo PM, Weltman RL.
Favorable periodontal regenerative outcomes from teeth with presurgical mobility: a retrospective study. Trejo PM, Weltman RL. J Periodontol. 2004 Nov;75(11):1532-8.
Etter TH, Hakanson I, Lang NP, Trejo PM, Caffesse RG. Healing after standardized clinical probing of the perlimplant soft tissue seal: a histomorphometric study in dogs. Clinical Oral Implants Research December 2002; 13(6):571-580.
Porras R, Anderson GB, Caffesse R, Narendran S, Trejo PM. Clinical response to 2 different therapeutic regimens to treat peri-implant mucositis. Journal of Periodontology October 2002; 73(10):1118-1125.
Trejo PM, Weltman R, Caffesse R. Treatment of intraosseous defects with bioabsorbable barriers alone or in combination with decalcified freeze-dried bone allograft: a randomized clinical trial. Journal of Periodontology December 2000; 71(12):1852-1861.
Kohal RJ, Trejo PM, Wirsching C, Hurzeler MB, Caffesse RG. Comparison of bioabsorbable and bioinert membranes for guided bone regeneration around non-submerged implants. An experimental study in the mongrel dog. Clinical Oral Implants Research June 1999; 10(3):226-237.
Kohal RJ, Mellas P, Hurzeler MB, Trejo PM, Morrison E. Caffesse RG. The effects of guided bone regeneration and grafting on implants placed into immediate extraction sockets. An experimental study in dogs. Journal of Periodontology August 1998; 69(8):927-937.
Trejo PM, Weltman R, Caffesse RG. Effects of expanded polytetrafluoroethylene and polylactic acid barriers on healthy sites. Journal of Periodontology January 1998; 69(1):14-18.
Weltman R, Trejo PM, Morrison E, Caffesse R. Assessment of guided tissue regeneration procedures in intrabony defects with bioabsorbable and non-resorbable barriers. Journal of Periodontology June 1997; 68(6):582-590.
Caffesse RG, Mota L, Trejo PM, Weltman R. Gesteuerte GewebeRegeneration mit resorbierbaren Membranen aus Polymeren. Ästhetische Zahnmedizin 1998; 1:6-13.
Trejo PM, Weltman R, Caffesse RG. Guided Tissue Regeneration. A Status Report for the American Journal of Dentistry. Am J Dent 1995; 8:313-319.
Brown R, Trejo PM, Weltman R, Pinero G. Treatment of a patient with hereditary gingival fibromatosis: A case report. Journal of Special Care in Dentistry 1995; 15:149-153.
Brown RS, Flaitz CM, Hays GL, Trejo PM. The Diagnosis and Treatment of Discoid Lupus Erythematosus with Oral Manifestations Only: A Case Report. Compend Contin Educ Dent 1994; 6:724-732.
Dr. Mark Kolozenski (1993), Chicago, IL
Gargiulo AV, Manos TG, Kolozenski MA. Cravatta CM. Basic surgical principles for implant placement. CDS Review March-April 2004; 97(2):26-28.
Dr. Anna Munne (1993), Houston, TX
Caffesse RG, De LaRosa M, Garza M, Munne-Travers A, Mondragon JC, Weltman R. Citric acid demineralization and subepithelial connective tissue grafts. Journal of Periodontology April 2000; 71(4):568-572.
Dr. Robert Devoll (1994), Clear Lake, TX
Hays GL, McMahon JC, Zimmerman SJ, Lusk SS, Devoll RE. Screening for cardiovascular disease. Gen Dent, 1992; 40:26-29.
Hays GL, Lippman SM, Flaitz CM, Brown RS, Pang R, Devoll RE, Hong WK. Co-carcinogenesis and field cancerization: Oral lesions offer first signs. JADA, 1995; 126:47-51.
Pinero GJ, Farach-Carson MC, Devoll RE, Aubin JA, Brunn JC, Butler WT. Bone matrix proteins in osteogenesis and remodeling in the neonatal rat mandible: Immunolocalization of osteopontin, bone sialoprotein, a2HS-glycoprotein and alkaline phosphatase. Archs Oral Biol 1995; 40:145-155.
Farach-Carson MC, Devoll RE. Controlling the nongenomic actions of 1,25(OH)2D3. News Physiol Sci 1995; 10:198-204.
Devoll RE, Pinero GJ, Troncoso P, Butler WT, Farach-Carson MC. Improved immunohistochemical staining of Osteopontin (OPN) in paraffin embedded archival bone specimens following antigen retrieval: Anti-human OPN antibody recognizes multiple molecular forms of OPN. Calcified Tiss Intern 1997; 60:380-386.
Devoll RE, Li W, Woods KV, Butler WT, Farach-Carson MC, Happonen R-P. Osteopontin (OPN) distribution in premalignant and malignant lesions of oral epithelium and expression in cell lines derived from squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity. J Oral Pathol Med 1999; 28:97-101.
Thalmann GN, Sikes RA, Devoll RE. Osteopontin: possible role in prostate cancer progression. Clinical Cancer Research, 5:2271-2277.
LeCrone V, Li W, Devoll RE, Logothetis C, Farach-Carson MC. (2000) Calcium signals in prostate cancer cells: specific activation by matrix-proteins. Cell Calcium 2000;27(1):35-42.
Book Chapter
Devoll RE, Thalmann GN, Ploutarchos A, Farach-Carson MC, Chung LWK. Experimental Approaches to Skeletal Metastasis of Human Prostate Cancer, in Principles and Practices of Genitourinary Oncology Editor, Raghavan, D., Scher, H. I., Leibel, S.A., Lange, P.H., Howar. 1997, Lippincott-Raven, Philadelphia.
Dr. James Vlassis (1994), Fayetteville, NY
Fugazzotto PA, Vlassis J, Butler B. ITI implant use in private practice: clinical results with 5,526 implants followed up to 72+ months in function. International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants May-June 2004; 19(3):408-12.
Fugazzotto PA, Beagle JR, Ganeles J, Jaffin R, Vlassis J, Kumar A. Success and failure rates of 9 mm or shorter implants in the replacement of missing maxillary molars when restored with individual crowns: preliminary results 0 to 84 months in function. A retrospective study. Journal of Periodontology February 2004; 75(2):327-332.
Fugazzotto PA, Vlassis J. A simplified classification and repair system for sinus membrane perforations. Journal of Periodontology October 2003; 74(10):1534-1541.
Dr. Jaime Vergara (1994), Houston, Texas
Vergara JA, Caffesse RG. Immediate replacement of single upper posterior teeth: a report of cases. Clinical Implant Dentistry & Related Research 2003; 5(2):130-136.
Vergara JA, Caffesse RG. Preservation of esthetics with implant dentistry: a clinical report. Clinical Implant Dentistry & Related Research 2002; 4(4):200-211.
Dr. Eva Ingles (1995), Barcelona, Spain
Ingles E, Rossmann JA, Caffesse RG. New clinical index for drug-induced gingival overgrowth. Quintessence International July 1999; 30(7):467-473.
Dr. Robin L. Weltman, (1995), Sugar Land, TX
The effect of periodontal therapy on glycaemic control in a Hispanic population with type 2 diabetes: a randomized controlled trial. Gay IC, Tran DT, Cavender AC, Weltman R, Chang J, Luckenbach E, Tribble GD. J Clin Periodontol. 2014 Jul;41(7):673-80. doi: 10.1111/jcpe.12268. Epub 2014 Jun 1.
Memon S, Weltman RL, Katancik JA. Oral bisphosphonates: early endosseous dentalimplant success and crestal bone changes. A restrospective study. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 2012 Sept-Oct; 27(5): 1216-1222.
Brownfield LA, Weltman RL. Ridge Peservation With or Without an Osteoinductive Allograft: a Clinical, Radiographic, Micro-Computed Tomography, and Histologic Study Evaluating Dimensional Changes and New Bone Formation of the Alveolar Ridge. J Periodontol 2012 May; 83(5):581-589. Doi: 10.1902/job 2011.110365. Epub 2011 Sept. 26.
Lyons LC, Weltman RL, Moretti AJ, Trejo PM. Regeneration of Degree II Furcation Defects with a 4% Doxycycline Hyclate Bioabsobable Barrier. J Periodontol 2008 Jan; 79(1): 72-79.
Ludington JR Jr, Wong ME, English JD, Seybold S, Weltman R, Engelmeier RL. Special Programs for Special Interests: The University of Texas Dental Branch at Houston. Texas Dent J. 2005 Mar; 122(3):238-244.
Hanna R, Trejo PM, Weltman RL. Treatment of Intrabony Defects with Bovine-Derived Xenograft Alone and in Combination with Platelet-Rich Plasma: A Radomized Clinical Trial. J Periodontol 2004 Dec; 75(12): 1668-1677.
Trejo PM, Weltman RL. Favorable Periodontal Regenerative Outcomes From Teeth with Presurgical Mobility: A Restrospective Study. J Periodontol 2004 Nov; 75(11): 1532-1538.
Caffesse RG, De La Rosa RM, De La Rosa GM, Weltman R. Effect of interleukin-1 gene polymorphism in a periodontally healthy Hispanic population treated with mucogingival surgery. Journal of Clinical Periodontology February 2002; 29(2):177-181
Trejo PM, Weltman R,Caffesse R. Treatment of intraosseous defects with bioabsorbable barriers alone or in combination with decalcified freeze-dried bone allograft: a randomized clinical trial. Journal of Periodontology December 2000; 71(12):1852-1861.
Caffesse RG, De LaRosa M, Garza M, Munne-Travers A, Mondragon JC, Weltman R. Citric acid demineralization and subepithelial connective tissue grafts. Journal of Periodontology April 2000; 71(4):568-572.
Trejo PM, Weltman R, Caffesse RG. Effects of expanded polytetrafluoroethylene and polylactic acid barriers on healthy sites. Journal of Periodontology January 1998; 69(1):14-18.
Weltman R, Trejo PM, Morrison E, Caffesse R. Assessment of guided tissue regeneration procedures in intrabony defects with bioabsorbable and non-resorbable barriers. Journal of Periodontology June 1997; 68(6):582-590.
Dr. Manuel De La Rosa (1996) Mexico
Pérez M, Rodriguez H, , Crubille P: Alargamiento de corona clínica en sonrisa gingival. SEPES 2007:22.
De la Rosa-R M, Cepeda JA, Navarrete G: Uso del rayo laser en periodoncia. Odontología Actual Nov 2004: 28-31.
Cepeda JA : Regeneración ósea guiada de cara al año 2000. Consideraciones clínicas y biológicas. Revista ADM Julio-Agos 2004, 147-153.
Caffesse RG, , Mota LF. Regeneration of soft and hard tissue periodontal defects. American Journal of Dentistry October 2002; 15(5):339-345.
Caffesse R, De la Rosa-R M, , and Weltman R.: Effect of interleukin-1 gene polymorphism in a periodontally healthy Hispanic population treated with mucogingival surgery. J Clin Periodontol 2002;29:177-181.
Caffesse R, De la Rosa-R M, and Mota L: Prevalence of interleukin periodontal genotype in a Hispanic dental population. Quintessence Int 2002;33:190-194.
Caffesse R, De la Rosa-R M, De la Rosa-G M: Interleukin-1 gene polymorphism in a well maintained periodontal patient population. Braz J Oral Sct. April/June 2002, Vol 1 Number.
De la Rosa-G M : Implantología desde el punto de vista periodontal. Avance Dental Marzo-Abril 1999: 30-33.
Kohal R, De la Rosa-G M, Patrick D, Hurzeler M, Caffesse R: Clinical and histologic evaluation of submerged and non-submerged hydrohyapatite-coated implants: A preliminary study in dogs. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 1999:14:824-834.
De la Rosa-G M, Martínez H : Implantología desde el punto de vista periodontal. Que podemos esperar de la respuesta tisular. Biocentífica Implantológica. Agosto 2002.
Rodriguez H, Perez M, De la Rosa-G M, Crubille P. Implantes sin colgajo: la técnica del punch. SEPES 2008:22-24.
De la Rosa-G M, De la Rosa M: The dilemma of extract or maintain in the perio-ortho scenario: A case report. Journal of Implant and Advance Clinical Dentistry. Sept 2010;Vol 2:Num 7: 75.
Dr. Rami Guiha (1996), Cairo, Egypt
Chen L, Cha J, Guiha R, Bouwsma OJ. Root coverage with enamel matrix derivatives. Compendium of Continuing Education in Dentistry September 2002; 23(9):797-800, 802, 804 passim; quiz 808.
Guiha R, el Khodeiry S, Mota L, Caffesse R. Histological evaluation of healing and revascularization of the subepithelial connective tissue graft. Journal of Periodontology April 2001; 72(4):470-478.
Dr. Jafar Naghshbandi (1996), Arizona
Hurzeler MB, Kohal RJ, Naghshbandi J, Mota LF, Conradt J, Hutmacher D, Caffesse RG. Evaluation of a new bioresorbable barrier to facilitate guided bone regeneration around exposed implant threads. An experimental study in the monkey. International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery 27(4):315-20, 1998 Aug.
Dr. Roberto Porras (1998), Houston, TX
Porras R, Anderson GB. Caffesse R. Narendran S. Trejo PM. Clinical response to 2 different therapeutic regimens to treat peri-implant mucositis. Journal of Periodontology October 2002; 73(10):1118-1125.
Dr. Hiru Mathur (1999), Houston, TX
Mathur H, Moretti AJ, Flaitz CM. Regression of cyclosporia-induced gingival overgrowth upon interruption of drug therapy. General Dentistry March-April 2003; 51(2):159-162.
Bonta H, Llambes F, Moretti AJ, Mathur H, Bouwsma OJ. The use of enamel matrix protein in the treatment of localized aggressive periodontitis: a case report. Quintessence International April 2003; 34(4):247-252.
Dr. Gina Bonaventura (2000), Manvel, TX
Flaitz CM. Moretti AJ. Bonaventura GT. The AAMOP case challenge: a rapidly enlarging pigmented lesion of the buccal mucosa. Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice. May 15, 2002; 3(2):42-47.
Dr. Marianne Hoffmeyer (2000), Holland
Weng D, Hoffmeyer M, Hurzeler MB, Richter EJ. Osseotite vs. machined surface in poor bone quality. A study in dogs. Clinical Oral Implants Research December 2003; 14(6):703-708.
Dr. Esther Fisher (2002), Spring, TX
Zhang Y, Hart PS, Moretti AJ, Bouwsma OJ, Fisher EM, Dudlicek L, Pettenati MJ, Hart TC. Biochemical and mutational analyses of the cathepsin c gene (CTSC) in three North American families with Papillon Lefevre syndrome. Human Mutation July 2002; 20(1):75.
Dr. Maria Fiocchi (2002) Wisconsin
Moretti AJ, Fiocchi MF, Flaitz CM. Sarcoidosis Affecting the Periodontium: A Long-Term Follow-Up Case. J Periodontol 2007 Nov; 78(11): 2209-2015.
Fiocchi MF, Moretti AJ, Powers JM, Rives T. Treatment of Root Sensitivity After Periodontal Therapy. Am J Dent 2007 Aug; 20(4):217-220.
Dr. Raouf Hanna (2003), Houston, TX
Zhang H, Zhu M, Walji M, Hanna R, Johnson CW. Factors Influencing Clinical Treatment for Severe Chronic Periodontitis. AMIA Annu Symp Proc 2008 Nov 6:1192.
Hanna R, Trejo PM, Weltman RL. Treatment of Intrabony Defects with Bovine-Derived Xenograft Alone and in Combination with Platelet-Rich Plasma: A Randomized Clinical Trial. J Periodontol 2004 Dec; 75(12):1668-16677.
Dr. Lillian Lyons (2005) Houston, Texas
Lyons LC, Weltman RL, Moretti AJ, Trejo PM. Regeneration of Degree II Furcation Defects with a 4% Doxycycline Hyclate Bioabsorbable Barrier. J Periodontol 2008 Jan; 79(1):72-79.
Dr. Benjamin Meyrat (2005) Germany
Caputo TD, Ramsay MA, Rossmann JA, Beach MM, Griffiths GR, Meyrat B, Barnes JB, Kerns DG, Crump B, Bookatz B, Ezzo P. Evaluation of the SEDline to Improve the Safety and Efficiencey of Conscious Sedation. Proc (Bayl Univ Med Cent) 2011 Jul: 24(3):200-204.
Dr. Yusuf Shere (2007) Houston, Texas
Yu YH, Shere Y, Vigneswaran N. Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology Case of the Month. Palatal Melanosis Associated with Imatinib Mesylate Therapy. Tex Dent J 2012 Aug; 129(8):764-765, 786-788.
Dr. Sayma M. Memon (2009)
Memon S, Weltman RL, Katancik JA. Oral Bisphosphonates: Early Endosseous Dental Implant Success and Crestal Bone Changes. A Restrospective Study. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 2012 Sept-Oct; 27(5):1216-1222.
Dr. Lauren Brownfield (2010)
Brownfield LA, Weltman RL. Ridge Preservation with or without an Osteoinductive Allograft: A Clinical, Radiographic, Micro-Computed Tomography, and Histologic Study Evaluating Dimensional Changes and New Bone Formation of the Alveolar Ridge. J Periodontol 2012 May; 83(5):581-589.
Dr. Jared Abramian (2011)
Kerr JE, Abramian JR, Dao DH, Rigney TW, Fritz J, Pham T, Gay I, Parthasarathy K, Wang BY, Zhang W, Tribble GD. Genetic Exchange of Fimbrial Alleles Exemplifies the Adapative Virulence Strategy of Porphyromonas Gingivalis. PLoS One 2014 March 13: 9(3):e91696.